Ok here it goes, first official “blog” on the new and much much improved site! Thank you all for your patience with us. What we thought would only take a few weeks quickly turned into 1,2,3,4 months and its been crazy. We still aren’t situated 100% but we are here and it’s time to get back to business! I thought it would only be appropriate to write a bit about leaving Purchase St.
I’ll be honest, I wrote an entire blog about 2020 and all the bullshit we (along with everyone else in the world) went through during the year. I trashed it…. maybe I just needed to write it all out and get it off my chest. The long and short of it is this. We closed , we re-opened under restrictions, we limited our hours even more and eventually closed again to prepare for the move. Online sales were awesome and you guys are the absolute best! You jumped on the website and showed up to our pop ups, and because of that we were able to weather the storm! That’s basically the 2020 summary. Thank you so much for your continued love and support, especially during such a crazy and uncertain time. The year sucked for everyone in one way or another, but some things are out of our control so we did our best to roll with the punches and adjust the sails in order to continue moving forward **Rock on hand emoji** (Shoutout to everyone who just lifted their hand to try that out). Covid came during the same time our lease was up and since we had already been looking for a new, larger space in the area all of the restrictions and uncertainty with businesses really just encouraged our decision to look for a space that offered more than retail. We didn’t want to let go of our retail completely for our local customers so we were really fortunate to find a mill space where we could store our larger online stock while also being able to offer retail when we wanted.

The truth of the matter is that while covid had a huge impact on the fitness and retail industry, thus impacting us n a major way. Our biggest hurdle last year was having to make the decision to leave our baby on Purchase St. and find a new warehouse space. We knew the day would come when we would outgrow our first shop, but its never easy to say goodbye….. This post is really just an official farewell to 763 Purchase St. and I thought it would be fitting to start with the picture above. The picture was taken the day we got our awning fitted with FHA logos about 4 years ago. I’m not going to get too crazy writing a book about the shop, I’m going to leave a few photos of the more memorable times we had there.
We moved into 763 Purchase St. just a few months after our good friends at Purchase St. Records found their home on Purchase St. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have met Roger and the crew over there, they will be lifelong friends without a doubt. Roger has helped and influenced us in many ways, I will miss hanging out between customers, bouncing biz ideas off of one another and obviously the constant pranking from shop to shop. Downtown NB is a great place to check out and if you arent from the area but decide to make the trip be sure to check out that block in particular. Hit the “Pork taquitos mexicos” from No Probs, “Cubanos” from Pour Farm, or just about anything from The Baker (definitely the lingiuca roll or Steak n Cheese Sub) and you will be happy you took the trip!
We’ve met some awesome local fitness influencers, workout enthusiasts, and athletes over the last 4 years while downtown. So many good times down there, I always loved meeting our customers and talking to them about their training routines, diets, families, and anything/everything else while they shopped. The comradery among the businesses was amazing and we truly felt the love being downtown during our short time. But as they say all good things must come to an end, this was no different. The shop was amazing and taught us a ton about business and our brand, now it’s time to move on to bigger and better things!
We are looking forward to sharing more articles on the site for you, hosting more pop ups at our warehouse and other gym locations while we expand our online presence . The transition from the Purchase St. shop to what we are trying to do now has not been easy and it is far from over but boy are we glad to finally be back in business!
Thank you again for all the great memories downtown, the kind words of encouragement, and the well wishes. I’m sharing some photos below of some of the fun stuff we did at that spot!

Thank you all for reading!